Use VCI to sync changes from TIA portal

Set up TIA portal VCI

Tia Portal v16/v17 supports Version Control Interface (VCI)

Install Siemens VCI Git Connector

  1. Download and extract the zip file under VCI Git Connector - File and description

  2. Copy and paste the Siemens.VCIGitConnector.addin file into C:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\Portal V17\AddIns\ folder

  3. Enable the Add-In in TIA Portal (see add-in section on the right side in the standard TIA view)

    1. Status > Activate

    2. Accept all permissions

VI. Set up the workspace and first commit to the remote repository

  1. In the Project tree > Devices, go to Version Control Interface and Add a new workspace

  2. Click on the Configure Workspace icon

  3. Set the Workspace path to be the folder of the Git repository you just created

  4. Select Git as the version control add-in, and click OK

  5. Select the PLC name you want to add to the repository and drag and drop it into the Workspace side of the window.

  6. Finally, the VCI add-in will convert every PLC block into XML files and save them into your local repository. Once the conversion is done, you will be prompted to add a new commit message.

  7. Now is time to push the files to the remote repository. You can do this by right-clicking the PLC name in the workplace area, selecting Git on the dropdown menu, and then clicking on Push.

  8. Optionally, you can set VCI to automatically Git Commit and Git Push when you synchronize your workspace. To do so, go into the Settings menu, and select the appropriate options.

Any code changes you make only appear in the SDA Console after you used the Git Push command.

Limitations of TIA Portal VCI :

  • VCI doesn't allow version control entire projects, but only the following block types:

    • Functions

    • Function Blocks

    • Data Blocks

    • PLC Tags

  • Hardware configurations and instance memories can't be version-controlled using VCI.

  • Because library types are natively designed and versioned in TIA Portal, it is neither possible nor recommended to version them with Git or VCI.

Last updated